Read below for umpire information.
Click the link below to register for umpiring this year.
Contact the Umpire Coordinator with any questions
Please click the link below for the Neenah Baseball Code of Conduct Towards Our Umpires.
Everyone should be aware that the umpires are young and learning the job themselves. Even though they have guidance and some training they need to learn through experience. They will make mistakes just like the players do. These games are not being played for the right to go to the State Tournament or NCAA World Series. Let’s make these GAMES enjoyable for everyone involved.
1. It is your responsibility to find a replacement if you are unable to be at a scheduled game for any reason.
2. Two strikes, you’re out. If you have two no shows, you will be taken off the schedule for the remainder of the season. You forfeit the remainder of your scheduled games.
3. If you are going to be late for the scheduled start time of the game, switch with someone that can be there on time. People are counting on you to be there to start their game on time.
4. If games are cancelled for weather or any other reason, it will be posted on the Neenah Baseball website.
Starting with the 2012 season SR. Little League pitchers will be pitching from the stretch. Click the following link to learn all you can about the balk rule.
Large Field Positions
The following are the three positions for the base umpire working on a large baseball diamond with 90’ base paths.
"A" Position
With bases empty, the base umpire will be in the “A” position:
• About 15 feet behind 1st base or 2 feet behind the first baseman, whichever is further away.
• Both feet in foul territory with the right foot next to the foul line, and
• Shoulders are square to the plate.
From the “A” position the base umpire will:
• Make the safe/out calls at first;
• Be responsible for fair/foul calls from the bag and beyond;
• Cover trouble fly balls in right and right-center field;
• If the batter-runner gets a base hit that goes through the infield the base umpire will take the batter-runner around the bases watching the batter-runner touch bases and make any calls at the bases.
"B" Position
The base umpire will be in the “B” position:
• With a runner on 1st only,
• With runners on 2nd and 3rd, or
• With a runner on 3rd, or Bases loaded.
The “B” position is:
• Straddle an imaginary line from the point of home plate extending out through the cut of the pitcher’s mound on the 1st base side,
• With a runner on first base: about half way between the pitcher’s plate and 2nd base, or
• With first base empty: back about two-thirds between the pitcher’s plate and 2nd base, and
• Shoulders are square to the plate.
"C" Position
The base umpire will be in the “C” Position:
• With a runner on second base and third base open, or with runners on second and/or third with a left handed batter up.
The “C” Position is:
• Straddle an imaginary line from the point of home plate extending out through the cut of the pitcher’s mound on the 3rd base side,
• Back about two-thirds between the pitcher’s plate and 2nd base, and
• Shoulders are square to the plate.